Business & Community Engagement

Partnerships with businesses and community organizations are critical in career connected learning. We partner with businesses of all types and sizes to provide classroom and worksite learning experiences for students in all corners of southwest Washington.

Industry and business leaders play an essential role in helping students explore careers and learn related skills that will get them hired and contribute to a strong and equitable workforce system in their local communities.

A partnership with Career Connect SW can take many forms, from participation in a career fair or career panel to hosting a teacher externship for a morning or an intern for an academic quarter. Students get valuable learning experiences while our partners get to promote their work and support workforce development efforts. Employers and community groups can participate in student and teacher facing activities​ (career exploration, preparation, and launch) and participate in work groups to guide the development, strengthening, and alignment of pathways for youth.

Student Facing Activities & Partner Engagement Opportunities

If you are interested in partnering with Career Connect SW, contact Chad Mullen to learn more.

Career Panel

What it takes: ~1-2 hrs./employee
Professionals present (in-person or virtually) information about their career, their typical work day, and the knowledge, skills, and attributes required to pursue and be successful in their work.

Networking & Career Prep Workshop

What it takes: ~2-3 hrs./employee
Students learn and practice specific skills such as networking, elevator pitches, resume writing, and mock interviews to increase their social and professional capital and prepare them for additional professional interactions.

Job Shadow

What it takes: ~5-6 hrs./employee
Students follow an employee for a day to learn about an occupation or industry and experience a day in the life of an employee.


What it takes: ~40 hrs./employee
Professionals provide students with ongoing one-to-one guidance and support related to professional skills and knowledge.

Career Fair

What it takes: ~1-3 hrs./employee
Professionals attend and share about their industry at an event for students. The event may include opportunities for students to do mock interviews, network, and have hands-on experiences that mirror the workplace.

Informational Interview

What it takes: ~1-2 hrs./employee
Students interview experts about their work and learn about industry career pathways.

Teacher Externship

What it takes: ~40 hrs./employee
Teachers spend time (from one day to two weeks) at a workplace to learn about the work and career pathways and how they can connect careers to their curriculum.

Internship (onsite)

What it takes: ~80+ hrs./employee
Students work under the supervision of a professional in a workplace to engage with the content and context of the business/industry.

Worksite Tour

What it takes: ~3-5 hrs./employee
Students visit worksites to explore an industry, spending time with a primary host and a variety of employees observing daily activities and asking questions about the organization and the work environment.

Flipped internship

What it takes: ~40 hrs./employee
Students engage in class in authentic, work-based problems using tools and approaches present in the field. Experts from the field mentor students and/or teachers through the problem and support instruction either in person or virtually.

Career Launch

What it takes: ~40 hrs./employee
Young adults serve in an entry-level position while participating in a relevant program at a higher education institution. Upon completion, employees are well-positioned to advance within their current employer.

Seeking Scalability Plan Consultant

CCSW is seeking a Scalability Plan Consultant to research, prepare and present a scalability plan for the Rural CTE Cooperative that takes into consideration elements of the Horizons project, growth of apprenticeship prep programs and the ability for the region to refine and implement the concept of the Big Blur. Please contact Vickei Hrdina to apply.